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Productivity Solutions Grant
What is Productivity Solution Grant?
The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) helps SMEs gain digital capabilities to enhance overall operational productivity. SMEs can choose from packaged solutions approved by IMDA Singapore.
Funding Support?
The PSG covers up to 50% of qualifying costs, capped at $30,000 for each fiscal year.
Does my company qualify for the Grant?
Business entity that is registered/incorporated in Singapore.
At least 30% local shareholding.
Company’s Group Annual Sales Turnover of not more than S$100 million, or Company’s Group Employment Size of not more than 200 workers.
Purchase/lease/subscription of the Equipment or IT Solution must be used in Singapore.
How to apply?
Companies can apply via Business Grants Portal and require a CorpPass to submit the application. Documents required are (i) vendor quotation of the PSG approved package and (ii)your company past 3 years of financial statement.
How to make Claim?
Contact Form
I would like to find out about PSG Grant and Packages
Companies can submit claim via Business Grants Portal after the project has been completed with (i) vendor's invoices for the project and (ii)1 month's of data usage proof.