Key Features of SAP B1

Access from Anywhere
SAP Business One can be hosted on cloud or on premise or hybrid deployment. It is web based which allows users to access via internet browers such as google chrome or mozilla firefox. No installation of client required if access via web browser.
User Defined Fields
SAP Business One allows for the creation of new fields and tables on almost any SAP screens when SMEs need it. Different industries will have different needs on their data and hence SAP allows for creation of additional data fields that are important to their business and these newly created fields can also be pulled out into reports
Data Import
SAP Business One allows for easy data import via excel for item/ SKU master, business partner master including contacts and address, price list, journal entries and more. SAP has a more advanced option called Data Transfer Workbench which have templates that allow for import of all kinds of transactions from excel sheet.
Relationship Map
Relationship map in SAP provides a pictorial view on the links between documents and show how the documents are flowed from previous to the next. For example, Sales Quotation linked to Sales Order linked to Delivery Order linked to Invoice and finally payment document.
Electronic Document Approval
Due to decentralised way of working such as working from home, staff can submit their quotations, invoices, payments for electronic approval by superiors so that internal controls and checks will be there to keep operations smooth and uninterrupted.
Cut and Paste
SAP Business One allows wholesale cut and paste from excel from your 3rd parties for example user can download excel from ecommerce website and then cut and paste the transactions into SAP sales screen. SMEs who need to enter hundreds of sales or purchase lines will find it very useful as they do not need to manually enter or use any import program.
Recurring Transactions
SAP Business One allows user to set recurring invoices and exact billing date and frequency of billing. This automates the billing process as user role will be to check whether all invoices generated by recurring template on the date are correct before posting it financially all in one go.
Check Last Prices
User can check last price in any sales document by right clicking on the price field to view last price report which is convenient as user does not have to leave the sales screen to find out. Similarly, user can check stock by right clicking and display the warehouse balances. These are shortcuts access in SAP.
Real Time Web Client Dashboard
SAP Business One provides a web client dashboard that provides real time updates on the overall company transactions. In one screen, user can see what are the documents such as sales quotation, sales order and etc that they need to follow up. In addition to the transaction update, the dashboard also provides real time graphs to show which are the top items, top customers and other company performance indicators.